Thursday 26 April 2012

Cougar Town

As a person who`s life resembles to a perfect sitcom (yes, I am planning on writing it down and selling it) you would think that I would be fed up with watching them. Well you are wrong, I am an absolute sucker for silly sitcoms, and my latest addiction is Cougar Town, which I managed to finish/catch up on in about 3 days (no I don`t have a life). Now I`m gonna tell you why everyone should watch it! Imagine the actors from Friends and from Scrubs mixed together, being really dumb and trying to fight alcoholism. I mean I am not over forty and I never had a kid, but when I do, I kinda hope I will get divorced and my ex-husband will live on a boat, one of my best friends will be a mean bitch and the other one will be blonde. (well maybe not, but you get the point) Plus, in one of the episodes Jules finds an article which proves that when you drink you stay skinny, now I am yet to find that article, but hey, if Jules said it, cheers to that!

Sunday 22 April 2012


Ok, so it`s official that I have a slight addiction to cats (as well as a few other things, basically anything cute, apart from babies, because babies are scary) so look what I did the other day!

On other news I have ordered a few rings from ebay, so they should come soon, very excited! Those will be my last purchase for a while as I am very poor now, so I`m gonna have to start using my creativity and my sewing machine if I want new clothes!